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Project Management

Keeping PACE with your needs.





Planning Services

Case for Investment

Conceiving the benefits of an endeavor is one thing—demonstrating its feasibility through thorough study is another. The process requires analyzing four key components: the strategic case (the why), economic case (the benefits), financial case (the costs), and deliverability case (the risks). These elements combine into a single benefit-cost ratio (BCR) that indicates the investment's overall worth.

A well-crafted business case withstands scrutiny from all angles through robust data, rigorous process, and realistic risk assumptions, validated by independent experts. You'll likely face a panel of executives ready to challenge every aspect of your proposal. While under-preparation can be devastating, thorough preparation acts as your armor. We can help build that protection.

Blueline offers business case and feasibility study advisory support to help owners and technical teams plan effectively and present compelling justifications to investors, executives, and board members to secure investment.


Acquisition Services

Procurement Model Selection

"Right tool for the right job" is a common safety adage in construction that applies equally well to procurement. While some projects involve straightforward civil works, others encompass complex elements—moving parts, property agreements, environmental challenges, and interconnected technical systems—each presenting unique risks to a program.

Over the years, procurement specialists have developed countless tools to optimize value under specific conditions. Finding the right combination is like solving a Rubik's Cube—it requires careful testing of variables, sequences, and scenarios to achieve the ideal outcome.

An effective program-wide procurement strategy identifies key scope items and their associated risks while thoughtfully sequencing various procurement packages for optimal results. Market sounding plays a crucial role in testing industry interest and ensuring competitive tension delivers value for money.

Blueline has developed its own strategy and evaluation tool for scope analysis prioritization and procurement package evaluation that's been tried and tested on one of the largest transit infrastructure programs in Canada. Ask us how we can help you plan your procurement strategy.


Contract Services

Write it Right—Clear, Purposeful, and in the Right Place

When preparing a contract, we begin with our suite of in-house templates, establish a clear structure, and share key writing principles with our multi-disciplinary team. The initial phase involves gathering requirements, which often arrive scattered throughout the document.

The real value emerges during organization and standardization—this is where we separate essential content from unnecessary elements. We eliminate excessive cross-referencing, replace passive language with active voice, and remove requirements that lack clear objectives. These improvements help prevent wasted time and communication breakdowns throughout the contract's duration.

Our team has prepared and reviewed hundreds of design and construction contracts. Let us help you create clear instructions that will yield better results in the marketplace.


Execution Services

Build on a Concrete Foundation

A great Project Manager embodies essential characteristics: Motivator, Communicator, Leader, Decision Maker, Negotiator, Organizer, and Problem Solver.

Think of these soft skills as the aggregates and paste in a concrete mix. Blend them with technical background (the water) and experience (the admixture), and you'll create a load-bearing Project Manager—one that gains strength over 15 years of curing.

Concrete metaphors aside, Blueline's team has delivered more than $120M in capital expenditure and has maintained a decade-long presence in North America's busiest passenger rail corridor. Throughout our journey, we've accumulated valuable lessons, built lasting relationships, and collaborated with global experts to achieve our objectives.

Ask us how we can help you deliver on your project mandates.

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